Vtr Racing
Vtr Racing was formed back in the early 80,s. Came from a bunch of friends who used to hang out together and VTR was a group of kids in the neighborhood. At the time it was Veterans Trac Radicals. LOL, sounds funny today as that was years ago. AS we got older and involved in riding bikes,ATC,s, quads and going to Glamis and Pismo Beach. Going to all the Score races like Parker 400, Lucerne 250, Baja 500 and the Score World Championships at Riverside. We spent almost all of our spare time riding our bikes. So we decided to try our hand at racing. That began a long relationship with many people and companies. I would like to thank the companies for supporting us. American Honda, PEP, Mitchell Racing Wheels, Gear Racewear, Cockrell Electric, Mancha Enterprises,Desert Touring,Fair pit support,Temple Racing,Equipo Rapido.

You can never have enough help from families and friends you know who you are. Indio Dune Buggy, Manfred and his family, OMT,rip brother. My Mom and Dad, the Thompson crew. Anyone else if I missed you, sorry, not intentional. Been a long time...

11 Brothers RACING
I am still waiting for info from Dennis for 11 Bros. They race class 11, stock VW sedan, and also run Indio Dune Buggies class 5/1600 VW Baja Bug from time to time. I have some reall cool pictures of Manfred and the fellas with the IDB car. Will get em up soon.........

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